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ACNA West Board of Examining Chaplains

The ACNA West Board of Examining Chaplains develops and administers the ACNA West Common Canonical Exams for Deacons and Presbyters on behalf of the 4 ACNA West Member Dioceses  and 1 Partner Diocese who participate. 


The ACNA West Common Canonical Exams are first and foremost DIAGNOSTIC in nature. They are intended to help candidates for ordination and their ordaining Dioceses assess a candidate's competence in the 8 Canonical Areas so that Dioceses can develop tailored ministry development plans to support candidates as they enter ordained ministry. All clergy need continuing education and the ACNA West Common Canonical Exams allow candidates and Dioceses to discern where gaps in knowledge exist and how candidates can most benefit from further continuing education and mentoring in their new offices. 


The primary purpose of this website is to provide people seeking ordination within an ACNA West diocese with a clear understanding of the areas of formation that are desired by their dioceses. There are separate sections for those preparing for ordination to the Presbyterate and to the Diaconate​.


Ideally, the ACNA West website should be made available to candidates by their diocese early in the discernment process. If the candidate is preparing for Seminary or other kinds of formal theological education, the ACNA West website should be used as a guide for course selection and academic focus.


The secondary purpose of this website to provide a study guide for those preparing for Canonical Exams for ordination to either the Presbyterate or the Diaconate.


Dioceses currently participating in the ACNA West Common Canonical Exams include: 

Member Dioceses:

The Anglican Diocese of Cascadia 

The Anglican Diocese of the Southwest

The Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin

The Anglican Diocese of the Upper Midwest

The Diocese of Western Anglicans & Yellowstone Missionary District


Partner Diocese:

Churches for the Sake of Others

Candidates preparing for ordination to the Vocational or Permanent Diaconate will take these exams. â€‹More detailed information about these exams and Study Guides for each of the Canonical Areas can be found by clicking the title above.

Candidates preparing for ordination to the Vocational or Permanent Diaconate will take these exams.  â€‹More detailed information about these exams and Study Guides for each of the Canonical Areas can be found by clicking the title above.

Other Services Offered by the ACNA West Board of Examining Chaplains

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