Misconduct Reporting
As people of God, fully acknowledging God’s sovereignty, we recognize that we fail to meet our obligations to God and our obligations to one another based on the primary commandments of our Lord, Jesus Christ – the commandments to “love the Lord thy God with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind” and to “love thy neighbor as thyself.” (Matthew 22: 36-40)
We are required to interact and treat one another with the love of God. However, situations arise in which we fail to recognize the image of God in others. We may manipulate power imbalances for our own gain or benefit. We may, out of ignorance or our own brokenness, trespass against another’s reasonable expectations for right treatment. The harm created by our failures can have a shattering effect on others, on our communities, and on ourselves. Because of God’s unequivocal commandment, and accepting that the above actions can occur, we have established a Misconduct Reporting Office to receive reports of suspected misconduct.
Misconduct can take many forms including but not limited to: (a) questionable or improper accounting or auditing practices, (b) suspected unlawful conduct, (c) violations or suspected violations of Church or Diocesan policies or Canons (d) any observed or suspected verbal or emotional abuse, and (e) any suspected sexual misconduct (collectively referred to as “Concerns” from this point forward).
The Misconduct Reporting Office is intended to encourage and enable individuals to report Concerns for prompt internal inquiry and appropriate action.
There are three ways to report a Concern.
Call the ACNAWest Misconduct Reporting Office: 817-988-1941
Email the ACNAWest Misconduct Reporting Office: Concerns@acnawest.org
Complete the Report a Concern Form Here and the Intake Office will contact you.
Dioceses included in this Misconduct Reporting Initiative
The Anglican Diocese of Cascadia
The Anglican Diocese of San Joaquin​
The Anglican Diocese of the Great Lakes
The Anglican Diocese of the Southwest
The Anglican Diocese of the Upper Midwest
The Anglican Diocese of the Western Gulf Coast
The Diocese of Western Anglicans & Yellowstone Missionary District
The Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth
Contact the Misconduct Reporting Office
Call 817-988-1941
Email Concerns@acnawest.org